Moscow, Russian Federation
VAC 5.8.7 Методология и технология профессионального образования
UDK 343.815 Реформатории. Исправительные заведения для несовершеннолетних
The article actualizes the problem of juvenile delinquency and reveals the specifics of the implementation of disciplinary practice in pre-trial detention centers. The authors prove the need to revise and update the socio-pedagogical work with juvenile convicts, using analytical materials on the state of the organization of the upbringing of adolescents, suspects, accused and convicted persons in pre-trial detention centers. The presented study fully reflects the current messages to the urgency of solving the problem of prevention of antisocial manifestations among adolescents and the revision of the mechanisms of their upbringing in the educational sphere and society.
juvenile suspects, accused and convicted persons; pre-trial detention center; disciplinary practice
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