Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the practical application of a foreign language in the conditions of the development of the modern educational process of higher education. The consistent improvement of the higher education system has given rise to the development and implementation of innovative methods and technologies that can be successfully and effectively combined with traditional methods and integrated into the process of teaching foreign languages for specific purposes in non-linguistic educational institutions when training specialists in the area of law enforcement. Authentic song material, musical rhythm turn out to be a favorable mechanism of influence on increasing the motivation of students, high-quality acquisition of professionally oriented topics of the discipline “Foreign Language”, since this leads to the consistent development of students‘ speech activity skills, their creative and cognitive abilities, and also affects the reduction of emotional tension when learning a foreign language. The technology of teaching a foreign language through song material has a solid theoretical basis built on the works and papers of domestic linguists and methodologists, as well as specialists from abroad. The author presents some methods of implementing the approach in question in practical classes in a foreign language in an educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system. It is concluded that the correct and purposeful application of the methodology when working with authentic song material in foreign language practical classes leads to the development of all aspects of the language.

song, authentic material, innovative method, foreign language for specific purposes, professionally oriented topic, motivation, intercultural communication
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