“Political banditry” and the fight against it in Western Ukraine, Western Belarus and the Baltic States in 1944–1955 (historical and legal aspect)
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines some aspects of “political banditry” in Western Ukraine, Western Belarus, and the Baltic States in 1944–1955. The research was conducted on archival and published scientific materials from large, significant regions of the USSR – Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic States. It considers some issues of legal regulation of the activities of state bodies, in particular, the NKVD of the USSR in the fight against the fascist-nationalist underground and banditry. The main areas of activity of the NKVD troops and bodies in the fight against “political banditry” are revealed.

banditry, legal regulation, legal foundations, fascist-nationalist underground, fight, bodies and troops of the NKVD of the USSR
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