Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The relevance of the presented problem at the initial stage of learning Russian as a foreign language lies in the development of students’ grammatical skills in constructing interrogative sentences and high efficiency of the learning process. The authors conclude that it is necessary to carefully select the grammatical material of RFL at the initial stage of teaching in order to effectively form simple interrogative and affirmative structures. In the process of research, the methods proposed in the textbook, scientific works and the works of RFL teachers were analyzed. The authors defined the role of interrogative grammatical structures of the Russian language in the process of teaching RFL. The article presents the main stages of work aimed at creating interrogative forms at the initial stage of teaching Russian as a foreign language, as well as examples of tasks used in the learning process.

Russian as a foreign language, grammar, interrogative constructions, language teaching, grammatical features, grammatical skills, communicative approach

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