UDK 811 Языки естественные и искусственные
This article continues a series of the author’s researches in connection with the basic professional concepts related to law enforcement activity. The author reconstructs a fragment of professional linguistic consciousness of a bilingual learner associated with the concept SUSPECT with the help of associative characteristics of its verbal representations and the results of lexicographic description analysis. When conducting an associative experiment in pairs “stimulus – reaction”, the meanings relevant for the respondent at the moment and formed by his past experience, including his professional activity, are verbalised. Identification of the features of the concept related to law enforcement in the linguistic consciousness of a future law enforcement officer is of particular interest in the situation of educational bilingualism. To establish common and distinctive features of the concept, the results of associative experiments conducted with first- and second-year students were compared; to observe the dynamics of changes in the linguistic consciousness of a bilingual learner the results obtained during the associative experiment conducted in Russian and the data of the experiment conducted in the situation of educational bilingualism were analysed in dynamics.
educational bilingualism, concept, professional language consciousness, trend study, associative experiment, suspect
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