Orel, Orel, Russian Federation
UDK 81 Лингвистика. Языкознание. Языки
OKSO 45.00.00 Языкознание и литературоведение
BBK 81 Языкознание
TBK 84 Филологические науки
The article theoretically substantiates and demonstrates the possibility of explicating the composition of the semantic field “Forensic Expertise” based on the functional-role approach. It identifies the clusters naming the types of expertise, the objects of expertise, the tools used in conducting forensic examinations, the actions performed as part of a forensic expertise and its results within the semantic field. The main postulate of the research was that the selectivity of language means is determined by such factors as the sphere of communication, the participants of communicative interaction in their social and communicative roles, the communicative macro-goal, strategy and specific tasks as well as the parameters of the functional style which formalizes the genre. The research revealed the following trends in the formation of nominative units included in the semantic field “Forensic Expertise”: the use of lexical semantic variants which actualize synonymous relations in the nomination of the types of expertise; the functioning of such a mechanism of nomination as specification of the significative meaning of a lexical unit and its expansion to a complex nominative unit; active use of lexemes of propositional semantics; use of abbreviations and compound words; complication of syntactic models of phrases due to homogeneous members and participles.
semantic field, reference zone, lexical and semantic group, functional and role principle, semantic case, nouns of propositive semantics
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