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Abstract (English):
The article reveals: the relevance of the topic is related to the contradiction that has arisen – the need of the National Guard troops for effective training and the lack of scientifically based pedagogical support for the service and combat activities of military personnel and employees; the purpose is to justify the need to develop and concept the textbook «Service and combat pedagogy» of a new generation. Statistical data proving the existence of a contradiction are presented. The theoretical and methodological function of the textbook in relation to the service and combat activities of the troops is shown. The structural organization of the textbook is described: part 1 – service and combat pedagogy of the National Guard troops of the Russian Federation as a science and educational subject; part 2 – the commander of a military unit (unit) of the of the Russian Guard in the system of pedagogical relations; part 3 – best practices in solving educational tasks. The innovative aspects of the future textbook are considered: each chapter ends with control questions and educational practical tasks for self-educational activities; the textbook will have two formats: traditional and electronic.

science and educational subject; part 2 – the commander of a military unit (unit) of the of the Russian Guard in the system of pedagogical relations; part 3 – best practices in solving educational tasks. The innovative aspects of the future textbook are considered: each chapter ends with control questions and educational practical tasks for self-educational activities; the textbook will have two formats: traditional and electronic.
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