Russian Federation
In this paper the author investigates the problem of differentiation of corpus delicti of crimes under Art. 159 and Art. 176, 196, 197 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. According to the results of the study the author concludes: 1. Fraud in the credit sphere is an illegal gratuitous receipt of monetary (financial) funds, which caused material damage to third parties (in particular, subjects of services in the banking and entrepreneurial spheres of activity). They should be divided by such objects of criminal encroachment as property, legitimate rights and interests of subjects of credit services (Art. 173 of the Criminal Code «False Entrepreneurship»); property, legitimate rights and interests of subjects of credit services and the budget system of the Russian Federation (Art. 176 of the Criminal Code «Illegal Credit»); property, legitimate rights and interests of subjects of credit services, which arise from the inability to fulfill obligations under obtained credit services (Art. 196 «Intentional Bankruptcy», Art. 197 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation «Fictitious bankruptcy»). 2. A complex microsystem, which is fraud in the field of lending, is closely inter related with the social sphere of society, which, in turn, is the external environment of the object of criminal encroachment.
Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, fraud, the sphere of credit, crimes in the sphere of economic activity, crimes against state power, the interests of public service and service in local government
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