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Abstract (English):
In the context of digitalization of public relations, electronic democracy institutions are being introduced into Russian electoral practice, one of which is remote electronic voting. The author of this article has analyzed the domestic experience of using remote electronic voting. Starting from 2019, the territorial scale and financing of the use of remote electronic voting in the framework of federal and regional election campaigns have been increasing in the Russian Federation. The foreign features of its use and the trends followed by the Russian Federation are highlighted. The specificity of domestic legislative regulation of the modern method of voting has been investigated. The experimental nature of the non-traditional voting method determines the activity of the by-law regulation of this area. Taking into account the identified risks and threats encountered in practice, conclusions were drawn about the need to improve the legal and technical mechanisms of the considered institution of e-democracy.

electoral law, electronic democracy, remote electronic voting, electoral practice, elections and referendums, digitalization of society, experiment
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