UDK 343.815 Реформатории. Исправительные заведения для несовершеннолетних
The author shows that the idea of using the labor of persons serving a sentence of imprisonment in the production of agricultural products is not new. This paper examines the organizational and legal foundations of correctional institutions for minors, which, as a rule, were agricultural and craft colonies, orphanages with schools of gardening, horticulture, beekeeping and hop-growing, city craft orphanages. By creating them, the legislator pursued the goal of promoting the moral and social education and correction of minors and the dissemination of knowledge in the field of gardening, horticulture, beekeeping among the people. The author considers the experience of creating a system of incentives for pupils after successful graduation from the school of gardening and truck farming successful (issuance of a certificate, clothing, money, exemption from corporal punishment in the future, etc.). It was concluded that by creating schools of gardening and truck farming of the 2nd category in correctional shelters for the maintenance of minors, the state tried to solve several problems at once: to stop the growth of child and adolescent crime, to equip the graduates of shelters with knowledge in the field of agriculture, which in the future should have made it easier the process of their resocialization.
penitentiary system, agricultural and craft colonies, correctional shelters with schools of gardening, truck farming, beekeeping and hop-growing, city craft shelters
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