Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the control aspect in the activities of the court and the influence of these powers on the exercise of discretion by the investigator in criminal proceedings. It is noted that the existing system of procedural control and supervision is not without drawbacks due to the multi-departmental nature of its elements, as well as insufficient elaboration of the issue of the functional organization of the entire criminal process. It is concluded that the court, while controlling the legality and validity of the most important procedural actions and decisions of the investigator, at the same time should not interfere in the implementation of the investigator’s discretion, limit the procedural independence of this subject. This is due to the procedural function assigned to the court - the resolution of a criminal case, which requires the independence and impartiality of the court, including decisions taken by the court in pre-trial proceedings.

procedural control and supervision, court control, procedural independence of the investigator, discretion of the investigator, pre-trial criminal proceedings, procedural functions
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