UDK 342.41 Основы конституции
Abstract. The content of the constitutional and legal category “decent human life” is studied from the standpoint of a formal legal approach, that is, based on a literal interpretation of Article 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It is indicated that the category “decent human life” reflects the degree of his social security, depending on the effectiveness of ensuring social rights and the implementation of social policy of the state. A deeper analysis of this category allowed us to formulate an axiological approach, on the basis of which the human right to a decent life, not formally enshrined in the text of the Constitution of the Russian Federa tion, is revealed, the content of which should include all aspects of human life and activity, and not only social, the guarantee of which provides him with a quality of life that will allow him to define his life as worthy. The right to a decent life is defined as a right-goal, and other constitutional rights in this context are understood as rights-means aimed at ensuring it.
uman rights, decent human life, social well-being
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