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Abstract (English):
The article examines the process of “labeling” through the designation of a person by a nickname. Initially, the analysis of the concept of “nickname” is carried out. When summarizing, the main characteristics of nicknames and the historical sources of their formation were determined. The first practices of the formation of nicknames in the social environment of preschoolers are revealed. Using works of art, the author gives examples of nicknames characteristic of adolescent and youth subcultures, based on the stigma typology of I. Hoffman. The works of G. Yakhina and L. Panteleev show the variety of nicknames among street children. It is important that real-life nicknames are used in these works. At the end of the article, the author’s conclusions are presented, indicating the negative socio-pedagogical consequences of nickname assignment. The emergence of a nickname can become a mechanism for the formation of bullying and trolling among adolescents and youth. This work can be useful for teachers and law enforcement officers.

criminal subculture, teenager subculture, nickname, slang, socialization, stigmatization
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