UDK 811 Языки естественные и искусственные
The structure of the concept «crime» in the Russian language picture of the world in the 11th–19th centuries analyzed. The data of linguo-culturological and historical-linguistic dictionaries have been studied. The ways of language representation of the concept in legal and non-legal texts are compared. The peculiarities of using the terms «crime», «criminal» in the monuments of Russian law are considered. The role of the nominations «resentment», «dashing deed», «villainy», «theft», «sin» as representatives of the concept «crime» is shown. With the help of the Old Russian and the main corpus of the National Corpus of the Russian language, statistical data on the functioning of various names of the concept «crime» in diachrony were obtained. As a result of the study, the stages of the evolution of the concept «crime» are determined. The discrepancy between the modern and historical core of the concept is revealed. The later formation of the name of the concept «crime» in the Russian language picture of the world was stated. The conclusion about the historical complexity of the structure of the concept «crime», its connection with the constants of the Russian language picture of the world is made.
the name of the concept, concept «crime», legal language consciousness, legal term, legal language, the core of the concept, language picture of the world
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