Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the analytical possibilities of new paradigms within linguistics, in particular, linguo-cognitology, which allows to study linguistic units not only as a communication tool, but also as mental units with the help of which the formation of thought is carried out. It is emphasized that the emergence of a conflict situation and a conflicting speech action is due to the fact that the communicants get involved in a verbal skirmish, thereby deliberately humiliating and insulting each other. The attention is focused on the fact that such lexical units as invectives, which contain negative connotations in their seme, and represent a subjective evaluative logeme, are inherent in conflict discourse. In this regard, the author’s paradigm for the classification of invective vocabulary is proposed. The cognitively-oriented relationships are investigated developing within a conflict discourse on the example of invectives that reflect the cognitive aspect of a human activity. It is concluded that invectives are logical-speech units. It is noted that the largest amount of invective vocabulary is noted in the category of zoosemantic phraseological units and metaphors.

cognitive linguistics, discourse, conflict discourse, invective vocabulary, invective, language unit, speech communication, communicant, connotation, insult
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