Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
UDK 811 Языки естественные и искусственные
The article’s subject is mainly winged words, sayings, and partly phraseological units reflecting the public sphere of «law». The named units of speech and language containing the seme «right», «law». «violation of the law», «violation of ethical standards», «non-compliance with professional standards» were selected from the vocabulary by the method of continuous sampling. The purpose of the article is to use winged words and phraseological units as the basis to identify in diachrony a public assessment of unlawful and immoral acts, concentrated in folk sayings, in units of language and speech, denoting the actual phenomena of Russian life in different periods, as well as to analyze the features of semantics and the etymology of these units. As a result of various types of analysis of speech and linguistic material (semantic, etymological and of cultural linguistics), it was concluded that from an etymological point of view, most of the winged words are metaphors, the other part of winged words are quotations from the texts of fiction, films, TV series; the phraseological units are born in speech and are fixed in the language as stable language units; proverbs reflecting folk experience are speech units that explicate the features of the Russian mentality in different periods of the Russian society development, associated with law, morality, professional requirements and actions conditioned by the sphere of «law». According to the semantic criterion six groups of winged words and phraseological units were identified, as well as three semantic-evaluative groups of folk sayings and phraseological units, in which assessment, rather than meaning, dominates. It has been proved that proverbs, winged words and phraseological units, reflecting the sphere of law in a broad sense, represent the people’s recognition of the «law», morality, as well as condemnation of the violation of the law, moral principles, failure to comply with professional standards.
winged words, proverbs, phraseological units, semantics, etymology, the sphere of law, law, morality
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