Ufa, Russian Federation
UDK 340.12 Направления и теории права. Правовые школы. (Философия права). Теории государства и права Сюда относится как литература представителей отдельных направлений и школ, так и литература критически к ним относящаяся. Работы о правовых системах и все правовые системы в определенные исторические эпохи относятся под индексом 340.15, например,
The article reveals the influence of the legist paradigm of legal understanding on the transformation of the will of social subjects, generating terror and terrorism, as a deviant manipulative means of modern communication. The legist type of legal understanding, considering the state as an apparatus of violence, and the law as the will of the ruling class, contributes to the suppression of the will of citizens, turning it into someone else’s will. This can lead to terrorism, which is usually a consequence of terror-induced fear, aggression, hatred and despair. Terrorism is considered in the article as a manifestation of a deformed will to die. A terrorist act is, on the one hand, as a message from a terrorist about the rejection of this world built on the basis of the legist paradigm, and on the other, is a form of transcending suicide to the masses. The reasons for this deformation of the will of terrorists are analyzed.
terror, terrorism, will, legism, a fear, hatred, despair, meaning of life, communi cation, deformation, deviance, hypercompensation
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