UDK 343.847 Исполнение наказания без лишения свободы
The search for convicts according to the general procedure is carried out by operational units of the penal system. However, in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 18.1 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation, initial investigative measures against convicts evading the control of penal inspections are carried out by penal inspections. Before transferring the relevant materials on the escaped person to the operational units of the penitentiary system, the penitentiary inspection is obliged to take its own measures to search for the fact that the discovery of the convicted person can occur without a special search for him and, accordingly, the establishment of a search case against him.The article reveals in which of the cases of detention of a convicted person provided for in the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation, criminal executive inspections carry out initial search activities, notes how the search develops in other cases of detention of a convicted person provided for by law, reveals the content and organization of the participation of criminal executive inspections in searching for a convicted person subject to detention.
zaderzhanie osuzhdennogo, ugolovno-ispolnitel'naya sistema, organy vnutrennih del, ugolovno-ispolnitel'noe zakonodatel'stvo, ispolnenie prigovora, operativno-rozysknaya deyatel'nost', rozysk osuzhdennyh
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