Barnaul, Russian Federation
Altayskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet
UDK 342.565 Государственно-правовое положение судов
The subject of the study is normative legal acts, official and statistical information concerning the main aspects of the formation of judicial bodies in the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics after theirofficial accession to the Russian Federation. The purpose is to characterize the legal regulation of the judicial system in the DPR and LPR, to investigate the actual implementation of legal norms on the judicial branch of government in the republics of Donbass, to identify problematic issues, to indicate possible ways to solve them. The result of the study is a comprehensive assessment of the judicial system in the DPR and LPR during the transitional period of integration into the Russian Federation. Conclusions are drawn about the harmonious transformation of the judicial bodies of the DPR and LPR into the courts of the Russian Federation on the territory of these republics, about their successful integration into the federal court system with the predominant preservation of the judicial corps that previously administered justice in the DPR and LPR. At the same time, organizational problems have been identified in the implementation in practice of the norms of federal legislation on the judicial system in the DPR and LPR (lack of judicial staff; absence of some parts of the judicial system: the formed corps of magistrates, jury trials; direct interaction between the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the courts of the republics of Donbass; the absence of a large-scale automated system for the organization of judicial proceedings).
DPR, LPR, the judicial system, court, legislation, the Constitution of the DPR, the Constitution of the LPR, the transition period
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3. Ruf V. S. Organization of the activities of public authorities on the territory of new subjects within the Russian Federation // Regulation of legal relations in the field of public administration: issues of theory and practice (on the 25th anniversary of the Russian State University of Justice): Collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. St. Petersburg: Asterion Center for Scientific and Production Technologies. 2023. P. 276–281. (In Russ.)
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7. Ruf V. S. On the issue of legal integration of new subjects within the Russian Federation // Ural Journal of Legal Studies. 2023. No. 1. P. 60–65. (In Russ.)
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