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Abstract (English):
One of the fundamental and significant elements in the methodology of investigating crimes is the mechanism of its commission, a detailed and qualitative study of which allows the investigator to establish the truth in the case. When investigating crimes under Article 187 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, investigators have difficulties in establishing all the circumstances of the crime committed, and, accordingly, the correct qualification of the deed, since they do not fully understand the composition and content of its mechanism. The process of cognition of the mechanism of crime in science is not possible without practical support, in connection with which, the author in the article studies the ideas of scientists in the field of criminology, as well as analyzes the judicial and investigative practice on crimes related to the illegal circulation of means of payments, on the basis of which the elements of the mechanism of committing a crime according to the specified composition are structured and their content is disclosed.

crime mechanism, electronic means of payment, illegal turnover of means of payment, investigation methodology, forensic characteristics, Article 187 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
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