Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 37 Народное образование. Воспитание. Обучение. Организация досуга
The article discusses the validity of the formulations of novelty in scientific and pedagogical research, analyzes typical errors in its definition, considers the phenomenon of novelty in the scientific and pedagogical activities of a teacher of higher education. It shows that scientific novelty can be considered in theoretical (meaningful) and practical (value) aspects, such criteria for scientific novelty as: temporal, spatial, axiological, teleological are proposed. The conditions and prerequisites for the novelty of scientific and pedagogical research, its role in the development of pedagogical science and practice are determined. Among the most common errors in the formulation of the scientific novelty of the study are named: the mechanicity of obtaining summative results, self-esteem and unsupported judgments of the authors of dissertation works about their innovative nature, the use of well-known approaches to the subject of the study, and others.
novelty, creativity, scientific and pedagogical worker, criteria of novelty
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