Russian Federation
UDK 351.74 Органы охраны общественного порядка. Милиция. Полиция
The article proposes to distinguish three levels of prevention of neglect, homelessness, vagrancy, begging of minors: primary (at which adolescents potentially prone to these fatal phenomena are identified); secondary – implemented in relation to minors who are already wandering, begging; tertiary – implemented in relation to the children who are homeless, who were taken from the streets, returned to their families, sent to special institutions, as a result of which they need social adaptation. The author proved that the juvenile police units in their individual preventive activities in relation to these deviant phenomena most often use such methods as the method of persuasion, within its framework – encouragement and punishment. Acting as the main subject of preventive activities of neglect, homelessness, vagrancy and begging of minors, the juvenile affairs units should be in constant interaction with other bodies and institutions of the system for the prevention of juvenile delinquency, which also implement preventive functions: in the field of education, healthcare, social protection . Effective joint activities proposed.
neglect of minors, homelessness of minors, vagrancy of minors, begging of minors, prevention of juvenile delinquency, departments for minors, individual preventive work, educational institutions, social protection authorities, art. 151 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, art. 6.10 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, art. 5.35 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
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