Russian Federation
UDK 340 Право в целом. Пропедевтика. Методы и вспомогательные правовые науки
The article explores the origin and development of political investigation, its impact on the stability of the Russian state in the 16th–17th centuries. The hardships which Russia is currently facing, the endless sanctions and threats of our Western partners confirm the relevance of this study and the need to uncover countless falsifications of both Russian history and the history of its special services. Based on the analysis of historical facts and normative acts, the authors come to the conclusion that political investigation played an important role in the state security of Moscow centralized state and when it was organized on a legislative basis and perceived by society as a given necessity, it served to strengthen the state power and protect against internal and external turmoils.
political investigation, state security, Moscow centralized state, Command of Secret Affairs
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