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Abstract (English):
This article examines the non-verbal manifestation of emotions in the communication process based on the material of the novel by W. S. Maugham “Theatre”. A number of interpretations of the concept of “emotion” are given. The non-verbal side of human communication is considered in detail, including in comparison with verbal communication, and its strengths are indicated. The importance of gestures, facial expressions, tone of voice and poses in transmitting information about a person’s condition is emphasized. The visual, tactile-kinesthetic and acoustic varieties of non-verbal behavior are described, through which emotions of joy, sympathy, sadness and contempt are expressed. Non-verbal means such as a smile, a glance, various gestures, a sigh, a handshake and hugs marking the emotional state of the characters are analyzed. In conclusion, the importance of nonverbal communication research for understanding the characters and their inner world is emphasized.

emotion, non-verbal communication, visual methods, tactile-kinesthetic methods, acoustic methods
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