Russian Federation
UDK 342.518 Исполнительная власть. Правительство. Совет Министров. Министерства. Премьер-министр. Министры
The article examines the problems of assessing the effectiveness of interaction between the Commissioner for Human Rights and the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation in the context of current legal realities. The effectiveness criteria are analyzed, problematic positions relating to various aspects of interaction are identified, and the difficulties faced by the Commissioner for Human Rights and the internal affairs bodies when working with citizens’ appeals are considered. The importance of developing criteria forpractical use is updated. In the conditions of the modern Russian society and its sovereign statehood, the formation and development of a new legal system and legislation, including its constitutional and legal component, in the context of challenges caused by the formation of civil society and the rule of law, the topic of protecting human and civil rights and freedoms comes to the fore. It becomes one of the central problems of constitutional law, theoretical and practical jurisprudence in general.
Commissioner for Human Rights, internal affairs bodies, interaction, problems, prospects, development
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