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Abstract (English):
The formation of the state identity of citizens is one of the priority tasks of the state. The purpose of the study was to determine the possibilities of sport as a tool for the formation of the state identity of citizens. The achievement of the set goal was carried out through the use of general scientific methods, which were based on the analysis, systematization, and generalization of the theoretical data of scientific literature. The article presents an analysis of the possibilities of sport as a tool for the formation of the state identity of citizens and the patriotic education of the younger generation. It also describes the mechanisms focused on the destruction of the reputational and image characteristics of the state as a result of the impact of the negative-evaluative information field of media discourse in the media and social networks on citizens and the leveling the international sport and political authority of Russia. The technology of such influence is based on the gradual radicalization of public opinion in encapsulated closed Internet communities with the transition of media agendas from systemic to politically controlled. The authors present ways of using the educational potential of the education system as a foundation for the formation of state identity through the field of sports.

sport, state identity, patriotism, media discourse, media agenda, Internet communities, Russia
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