UDK 343.9 Криминология. Криминалистика
In the conditions of the beginning of the 21st century, manifestations of international terrorism have become the most dangerous threats to our state, since it is within its framework that terrorist attacks are more likely, in which both non-traditional highly toxic and chemical warfare agents can be used. In modern conditions, the danger of the use of chemical weapons by international terrorists, as well as their constituent components, is constantly increasing. Based on a number of expert assessments made by domestic experts, in the course of the study, the author convincingly proved that the manifestations of modern chemical terrorism act as a new specific method of a potential terrorist threat. In conclusion, the author proposes measures to prevent potential threats emanating from the manifestations of chemical terrorism.
international terrorism, the specifics of chemical terrorism, terrorist threats, chemical attacks, anti-terrorist security, preventive measures, law enforcement agencies, internationalization, fight against crime
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