Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents analytical data concerning the problems of the emergence and development of Russian conservatism of the late 19th early 20th century. It is shown that this phenomenon is partly due to the need to slow down the spread of undesirable revolutionary changes. It is noted that the phenomenon was primarily aimed at protecting the Russian world from Western negative trends. The multidimensional study of conservatism can be considered as a current direction in the context of legal philosophy. Public figures and politicians of Russia at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century often turned to the topic of ideological and theoretical understanding of the problems of conservatism. Representatives of Russian conservatism conducted multidimensional studies of conservatism in different scenarios and variations, offered their arguments and concepts concerning the essence and content of the phenomenon. Many Slavophiles of that time made attempts to distinguish the conservative trend in social and political aspects from radicalism and Westernism. The corresponding tradition was adopted in full by their heirs. The Russian socio-political thought completes the ideological and theoretical understanding of the problems of conservatism by the end of the 19th century. Additionally, the author substantiates that the refusal of the ideologues of conservatism to consider radicalism as a sound concept made the conservative trend in Russia an obstacle to qualitative modernization. Subsequently, this set Russian conservatism in the context of development back decades.

state power, social organization, Russian conservatism, protective ideas, monarchy, religion, antirevolutionism, the Russian world
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